- Distance: 492 km (306 miles)
- Max Elevation: 4804 m (15764 feet)
- Min Elevation: 1284 m (4213 feet)
- Ascent: 5407 m (17742 feet)
- Descent: 6363 m (20879 feet)
The day started with a crazy drunk guy yelling at us for going the wrong way on a one way street. When we turned around he berated us again and then tried to stop me as I rode past, he then turned around and was looking for a rock to throw at us. He really pissed me off so as I swerved around him I knocked his hat off of his head. This enraged him enough for him to wander around until he found us at the gas station 10 minutes later where he attacked Tucker by smashing a rock on his head. Tucker, all 6’6” of him, let his bike fall to the ground and proceed to pick up this little angry drunk man and slam him to the ground. By the time I caught up to them the dude was running away. Locals swarmed us and informed us that he was indeed a crazy and angry man that was not from San Pedro.We then rode through Paso Jamas and 500 km to San Salvador de Jujuy on beautifully paved roads with a super easy border crossing. High winds and temps ranging from 33 degrees to 80 degrees were the only thing that detracted from the ride. The first part was pretty straight and boring but the last half was fun canyon twisties climbing and descending through multicolored desert landscapes. It reminded me of Utah.
In Jujuy we walked around looking for the grey market money changers. I asked a few people on the street and we knew we were close. I walked into a vacation booking type place and sure enough, and to Tuckers surprise, we found a guy to exchange dollars at 15.9 to 1 as opposed to the bank rate of 9.8! Bring US dollars to Argentina…the rumors are true!
High winds causes you to ride like this when you are going straight.
Heavenly twisties!
It went from 33 degrees to 80 so I needed to shed layers. I got a honk from a passing bus.
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