- Distance: 258 km (160 miles)
- Max Elevation: 877 m (2879 feet)
- Min Elevation: 45 m (150 feet)
- Ascent: 2610 m (8564 feet)
- Descent: 2067 m (6784 feet)
Day started out on some pretty remote, less traveled two track. We were fresh tracks on a lot of it. Parts got very difficult to tell where the road even went and one section we were forced to bushwhack through the desert for a couple kilometers to pick back up a different road as ours seemed to end. We stopped for a late lunch in Catavina and then decided to head down the single track “Window Rock” trail and find a place to camp and finish it up the next day.(I was asked not to share the single track gps tracks do to them getting overrun.)
Some nice, rocky, loose hill climbs.
Jonny hit a cactus which sent him off crashing into the desert.
Picking spines out with a needle.
Camp spot off the window rock trail.
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